
5IX7 is a Shopify ecommerce store for premium dancewear. 5IX7 wanted to redesign their website in preparation for the launch of their new clothing collection. The primary goal for this redesign was to simplify and improve the user experience with a minimalist and mobile-friendly design.


Tech Used

The Problem

5IX7 wanted to redesign their website in preparation for the launch of their new clothing collection. Their old website used a free Shopify theme that was no longer being developed or supported, which meant the theme had some vulnerabilities. In addition, there were unused Shopify Apps installed, leftover code and scripts from uninstalled Shopify Apps, and the website did not have any meta tags for SEO.

5IX7 Home Old

Research and Design

From the start, the owner had a clear vision for the design of the new website. They wanted the website to have a minimalist design to showcase their products. We surveyed people to get feedback and we also did some research on some websites of competitors to help with the design and functions of the new website.

5IX7 Home

5IX7 Collections